<\/h4><\/b><\/b><\/span> <\/h4>
The book features historical and present-day photos of people working in the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure and the companies that engage with them. \nThe relationship between the Port, the cities and the region and how this influences the Italian peninsula, international trade and the world of tourism is well conveyed by the accompanying texts.\nContemporary and exclusive photos by Paolo Bolla illustrate present-day men at work, both inside the ships and on the docks, while the historical iconographic material from the early 20th century is part of the collection of the Bruno Chionetti photo archive and shows how the job has changed over the years.\nTo conclude, the testimonies and memories of those who worked in the Port offer an exclusive insight. \nStarting from the core of the harbour community - the people who have dedicated their lives to the \"Pippo Rebagliati\" Company - we get to the Terminal Operators, the businesses to which the \"Pippo Rebagliati\" Company provides its services, and others that in various ways operate in the Harbour of Savona Vado, contributing significantly to the success of maritime activity through the handling of goods. \nIt is not just about business, but also about the passion that unites men, companies and society for the growth and enhancement of the Harbour.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/b><\/b><\/b><\/span><\/div>
<\/b><\/b><\/b><\/span><\/h4><\/b><\/b><\/span> Collana\/Series<\/span>: Libri Illustrati\/Illustrated Books<\/span><\/b>
<\/b>Edizione: <\/span>Bilingue Italiano - Inglese\/ Bilingual Italian\/English Edition<\/span><\/b>
Autore\/Author :<\/span> Laura Graziano<\/span>
<\/b>Fotografie\/photographs:<\/span> Paolo Bolla \/ Culp, Archivio Fotogra\ufb01co Storico Bruno Chionetti<\/span>
<\/b>Pagine\/pages:<\/span> 248 <\/span>
<\/b>Formato\/Format<\/span>: 210 mm x 297 mm<\/span>
<\/b>Copertina\/Cover:<\/span>Patinata Lucida 300 g\/Laminated Glossy 300 g.<\/span><\/b>
<\/b><\/div>Prezzo di copertina\/List Price: <\/b><\/span>\u20ac 40,00<\/span><\/b>
<\/b><\/span>Sconto sul sitoi 5% \/Save 5%<\/span>
<\/span><\/b>spedizione tracciata raccomandata: <\/span><\/span><\/span>\u20ac 3,00 \/ <\/span><\/span><\/span><\/b>Registered shipping with tracking <\/span><\/span><\/span>\u20ac 3,00<\/span><\/span>
<\/span><\/b><\/span><\/b>Consegna\/Delivery: <\/span><\/span><\/span>4\/7 giorni\/ <\/span><\/span>4\/7 <\/span><\/span><\/b>Days<\/span><\/span>
ISBN: 9791280789105<\/b><\/span><\/span><\/b><\/span><\/h4><\/b><\/span>
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Illustra, con foto storiche è attuali, il lavoro dell’uomo nei Porti di Savona e Vado Ligure e le aziende che ne fanno parte. Dai testi ben si intende il rapporto che intercorre tra il Porto, le città e la regione e di come questo influenzi la penisola italiana, gli scambi internazionali e il mondo turistico. L’esclusivo apparato iconografico attuale, con foto realizzate da Paolo Bolla, illustra gli uomini di oggi al lavoro, all’interno delle navi e sulle banchine, mentre l’apparato iconografico storico che parte dai primi del Novecento, fa parte della collezione dell’archivio storico fotografico Bruno Chionetti, e illustra come il lavoro sia cambiato nel corso degli anni.Una visione esclusiva, infine, è offerta dalle testimonianze e dai ricordi di chi ha lavorato nel Porto di Savona Vado. Partendo dal cuore pulsante della realtà portuale – quello di chi ha dedicato la vita alla Compagnia “Pippo Rebagliati” – si giunge ai Terminalisti, aziende a cui la Compagnia “Pippo Rebagliati” presta i suoi servizi, e altre attività che a vario titolo operano nel Porto di Savona Vado, contribuendo in maniera determinante a rendere grande l’attività marittima attraverso la movimentazione di merci.
Non si tratta solo di economia, ma anche di passione che unisce uomini, aziende e società per la crescita e la valorizzazione del Porto.
The Port of Savona Vado then and now in Compagnia Pippo Rebagliati’s photos
The book features historical and present-day photos of people working in the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure and the companies that engage with them.
The relationship between the Port, the cities and the region and how this influences the Italian peninsula, international trade and the world of tourism is well conveyed by the accompanying texts.
Contemporary and exclusive photos by Paolo Bolla illustrate present-day men at work, both inside the ships and on the docks, while the historical iconographic material from the early 20th century is part of the collection of the Bruno Chionetti photo archive and shows how the job has changed over the years.
To conclude, the testimonies and memories of those who worked in the Port offer an exclusive insight.
Starting from the core of the harbour community - the people who have dedicated their lives to the "Pippo Rebagliati" Company - we get to the Terminal Operators, the businesses to which the "Pippo Rebagliati" Company provides its services, and others that in various ways operate in the Harbour of Savona Vado, contributing significantly to the success of maritime activity through the handling of goods.
It is not just about business, but also about the passion that unites men, companies and society for the growth and enhancement of the Harbour.
Collana/Series: Libri Illustrati/Illustrated Books
Edizione: Bilingue Italiano - Inglese/ Bilingual Italian/English Edition
Autore/Author : Laura Graziano
Fotografie/photographs: Paolo Bolla / Culp, Archivio Fotografico Storico Bruno Chionetti
Pagine/pages: 248
Formato/Format: 210 mm x 297 mm
Copertina/Cover:Patinata Lucida 300 g/Laminated Glossy 300 g.
Prezzo di copertina/List Price: € 40,00
Sconto sul sitoi 5% /Save 5%
spedizione tracciata raccomandata: € 3,00 / Registered shipping with tracking € 3,00
Consegna/Delivery: 4/7 giorni/ 4/7 Days
ISBN: 9791280789105