Tutto ci\u00f2 non senza dif\ufb01colt\u00e0, suspence, colpi di scena e grazie anche ai ragazzi della sua squadra ma, in modo particolare, alla perspicace Rossana Davoli, che forse si riveler\u00e0 essere pure la donna giusta per Ennio.
<\/span>A series of inexplicable crimes bloodies Turin, whose bodies without identity are found in a well-known street in the center, all within a few days. The investigations will be conducted by the Chief Commissioner of the State Police Ennio Rodino, the last descendant of an illustrious Turin family of ancient French origins. Thanks to his acumen and his brilliant skills, Commissioner Rodino will first of all have to give a name to the victims but above all discover the identity of whoever committed those murders in the heart of the city, to the point of suspecting the existence of a scenario full of intricate dynamics that hide a case with unexpected international implications. All this not without difficulty, suspense, twists and turns and thanks also to the guys on his team but, in particular, to the perspicacious Rossana Davoli, who perhaps will turn out to be the right woman for Ennio.<\/span><\/p>\n
Titolo: <\/span>La Dea Muta - Delitti senza nome<\/span>
<\/b>Title : <\/span>The Goddess Mutes - Nameless Crime<\/span><\/b>
Collana\/Series <\/span>Gialli e Noir - Thriller and Crime Novel<\/span>
<\/b>Autore\/Author <\/span>Enrico Cabianca<\/span>
<\/b>Rilegatura\/Binding <\/span>Brossura fresata con alette-Paperback<\/span>
<\/b>Pagine\/Page:<\/span> 192<\/span>
<\/b>Formato\/Format <\/span>148X210 mm<\/span>
<\/b>Copertina\/Cover <\/span>Patinata Opaca 300 gr-Laminated opaque 300 gr<\/span>
<\/b>Prezzo di copertina\/Price list <\/span>\u20ac 22,00<\/span>
Sconto sito - Save 5% \u20ac 20,90<\/span><\/span>
<\/b>Spedizione tracciata raccomandata <\/span>\u20ac 3,00<\/span><\/b>
<\/b>Registered shipping with trackin<\/span>g<\/span> \u20ac 3,00<\/span>
<\/b>Consegna\/ delivery <\/span>4-7 giorni\/ 4-7 days<\/span>
ISBN 979-12-80789-43-3<\/span><\/b>\n\n
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SinossiUna serie di inspiegabili delitti insanguina Torino, i cui cadaveri senza identità vengono trovati in una nota via del centro, tutti a distanza di pochi giorni. A condurre le indagini sarà il Commissario Capo della Polizia di Stato Ennio Rodino, ultimo discendente di un’illustre famiglia torinese di antiche origini francesi. Grazie al suo acume e alle sue brillanti doti, il commissario Rodino dovrà innanzitutto restituire un nome alle vittime ma soprattutto scoprire l’identità di chi ha commesso quegli omicidi nel cuore della città, fino ad arrivare a sospettare dell’esistenza di uno scenario ricco di intricate dinamiche che nascondono un caso dagli inaspettati risvolti internazionali. Tutto ciò non senza difficoltà, suspence, colpi di scena e grazie anche ai ragazzi della sua squadra ma, in modo particolare, alla perspicace Rossana Davoli, che forse si rivelerà essere pure la donna giusta per Ennio.
A series of inexplicable crimes bloodies Turin, whose bodies without identity are found in a well-known street in the center, all within a few days. The investigations will be conducted by the Chief Commissioner of the State Police Ennio Rodino, the last descendant of an illustrious Turin family of ancient French origins. Thanks to his acumen and his brilliant skills, Commissioner Rodino will first of all have to give a name to the victims but above all discover the identity of whoever committed those murders in the heart of the city, to the point of suspecting the existence of a scenario full of intricate dynamics that hide a case with unexpected international implications. All this not without difficulty, suspense, twists and turns and thanks also to the guys on his team but, in particular, to the perspicacious Rossana Davoli, who perhaps will turn out to be the right woman for Ennio.
Titolo: La Dea Muta - Delitti senza nome
Title : The Goddess Mutes - Nameless CrimeCollana/Series Gialli e Noir - Thriller and Crime Novel
Autore/Author Enrico Cabianca
Rilegatura/Binding Brossura fresata con alette-Paperback
Pagine/Page: 192
Formato/Format 148X210 mm
Copertina/Cover Patinata Opaca 300 gr-Laminated opaque 300 gr
Prezzo di copertina/Price list € 22,00
Sconto sito - Save 5% € 20,90
Spedizione tracciata raccomandata € 3,00
Registered shipping with tracking € 3,00
Consegna/ delivery 4-7 giorni/ 4-7 days
ISBN 979-12-80789-43-3