<\/p><\/span>\nInside, there are two hundred blank pages where you can write your wishes in accordance with the symbolism of the Tarot. They include notes on the different meaning of the card in relation to Love and Relationships, Work and Career, Health, and Spirituality.<\/p><\/span>
<\/p><\/span>\nChoose the one that attracts you most. After choosing the figure that your subconscious will have suggested to you, write your wish on the inside and focus on it for a few minutes each day. <\/p><\/span>
<\/p><\/span>\nAs soon as it is fulfilled, move on to the next one. You can have two hundred wishes realised, one for each page of the notebook!<\/p><\/span>\n
<\/span>Collana\/Series: Mistero\/Mistery<\/b><\/span>
<\/span>Autore\/Author: Toni Spagone<\/b><\/span>
<\/span><\/p><\/span>Formato\/Format: 210 mm x 150 mm<\/b><\/span>
<\/b><\/span>Copertina\/Cover:cartoncino stampato a colori 400 gr con alette\/<\/b>400g printed cardboard with flaps<\/b><\/span>
<\/b><\/span>Pagine\/page 204 pagine <\/b><\/span>
<\/b><\/span>Confezione\/Packaging: Cellofanati singolarmente \/Individually cellophane-wrapped<\/b><\/span>
<\/span><\/b><\/span>Prezzo di copertina\/List Price: \u20ac 12,00<\/b><\/span>
<\/span><\/b><\/span>Sconto sul Sito del 5% - Save 5%<\/span><\/b><\/span>
<\/span><\/b><\/span>spedizione tracciata raccomandata: \u20ac 3,00 \/ <\/b>Registered shipping with tracking \u20ac 3,00<\/b><\/span>
<\/span><\/b><\/span>Consegna\/Delivery: 4\/7 giorni\/ <\/b>4\/7<\/b><\/b> Days<\/b><\/span><\/div>
ISBN 979-12-80789-14-3<\/b><\/span>
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Libro/quaderno raffigurante Arcano Maggiore del 1500 : L'Imperatore / The Emperor
All'interno 200 fogli in cui scrivere i propri desideri in sintonia con il significato della carta. Inoltre viene svelato il significato della carta nei molteplici aspetti della vita: Amore e relazioni, Lavoro e Carriera, Salute, Spiritualità. Scegli quello che ti attira di più. Dopo aver scelto la figura che il tuo inconscio ti avrà suggerito, scrivi all'interno il tuo desiderio e concentrati su di esso per qualche minuto durante la giornata. Quando questo desiderio si sarà realizzato, passa a concentrarti sul prossimo. Hai la possibilità di far esaudire 200 desideri, uno per ogni pagina del libro/quaderno.
Blankbooks depicting the Major Arcana from 1500s:The Emperor
It is a series of blankbooks dedicated to the Arcana Major of the Tarot cards deck, the covers feature images from the 1500s.
Inside, there are two hundred blank pages where you can write your wishes in accordance with the symbolism of the Tarot. They include notes on the different meaning of the card in relation to Love and Relationships, Work and Career, Health, and Spirituality.
Choose the one that attracts you most. After choosing the figure that your subconscious will have suggested to you, write your wish on the inside and focus on it for a few minutes each day.
As soon as it is fulfilled, move on to the next one. You can have two hundred wishes realised, one for each page of the notebook!
Collana/Series: Mistero/Mistery
Autore/Author: Toni Spagone
Formato/Format: 210 mm x 150 mm
Copertina/Cover:cartoncino stampato a colori 400 gr con alette/400g printed cardboard with flaps
Pagine/page 204 pagine
Confezione/Packaging: Cellofanati singolarmente /Individually cellophane-wrapped
Prezzo di copertina/List Price: € 12,00
Sconto sul Sito del 5% - Save 5%
spedizione tracciata raccomandata: € 3,00 / Registered shipping with tracking € 3,00
Consegna/Delivery: 4/7 giorni/ 4/7 Days ISBN 979-12-80789-14-3