Each book is a discovery, an experienced journey that takes you towards the light,

 bringing emotions, creativity, and imagination to life.
Toni Spagone

Editorial News

La dea Muta - Delitti senza nome

The Silent Goddess: Nameless Crimes

Winner of the National Literary Competition ‘Il Paliotto’ organized by the Rotary Club Torino Duomo, the absolute First Prize in the ‘Unpublished’ category. A procedural crime novel set in Turin.

Bodies without identities are found in a well-known street in the city center, all within a few days.Leading the investigation is Chief Commissioner Ennio Rodino of the State Police, the last descendant of an illustrious Turinese family with ancient French origins

The Adventures of Uni 

Life as an Officer in Ancient Egypt

Two archaeologists from the Museo Egizio in Turin end up in Ancient Egypt by magic.
In the scorching desert they meet Lingua-Lunga - a talking snake who is a journalist - and Uni, a High Official who will tell us his story.
From being a mere warehouseman, he manages to win the King's goodwill and becomes a prominent official, the Governor of Upper Egypt. A bold and adventurous life, full of surprises and amusing anecdotes.
Uni's story is based on his autobiography. It was written on a stele found in Abydos and dating back to around 2350 B.C. (6th dynasty), which is now preserved in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Through his eyes, the authors - Donatella Andriolo and Donatella Spagnotto - explain the customs and traditions of people in Ancient Egypt, the role of deities in everyday life, the school system and other interesting facts.
Test your knowledge answering quizzes, and compete with your friends to find out if you have become an expert Egyptologist!

Saverio Grave - Murder in the dark

Delitto al buio (Murder in the dark) is the second crime novel by the writer Laura Graziano. The main protagonist is Saverio Grave, a dark and irreverent character who lives as a recluse in his house in Saliceto - a small town in the Piedmontese Langhe – hunted by the ghosts of his mysterious and painful past.
The charming ex-military man with a penchant for solving complicated enigmas is invited to spend the weekend at the majestic villa of Colonel Gustavo Del Venchi, his old friend and ex- comrade. Reticent because of his agoraphobia, he nevertheless decides to accept and sets off with his inscrutable butler Archie in tow.
Suddenly he finds himself caught up in a tragedy that happens in the house and, despite himself, involved in the investigation.
Semi-serious, humorous and at the same time dramatic, it is a detective story capable of arousing the reader's curiosity thanks to its refined, intriguing, ironic and never predictable style.

Audiobook included in Contr'uno Remix

For this audiobook, Fabrizio Odetto was inspired by the translation of the original texts by the not-yet-18-year-old French philosopher Étienne de La Boétie.
The audiobook does not faithfully correspond to Pietro Fanfani's original 1864 translation, but rather constitutes a rearranged version of it. The text has been fragmented, deconstructed and then reassembled in a different chronological sequence, as perceived by Odetto, a contemporary man.
The essence of this mosaic gives the original composition a dynamic reflection of modernity, which renews and multiplies in the present time that ancient revolutionary yearning.

Click on the cover to request access to the audiobook

Please note:

This audiobook can only be listened to as an integral part of the book "The Contr'uno Remix or of Voluntary Servitude" to be released in September 2023.
Any distribution and duplication without the written permission of the publisher holding the rights is prohibited.

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